運動國內品牌——Domestic sports Brands
瑜伽服、健身服、運動內衣——Yoga clothes, fitness clothes, sports underwear
跑步服、衛衣、T恤等休閑運動服——Casual sportswear such as running clothes, hoodies, T-shirts, etc
跑步鞋、休閑運動鞋等——Running shoes, casual sports shoes, etc運動國際品牌——Sports international brand
國際知名品牌——Internationally renowned brand
國際展商組團——International exhibitor group
國際展商國內總代理——International exhibitors and domestic general agents運動設計師品牌——Sports designer brand
獨立設計師——Independent designer
新媒體線上TOP榜品牌——Top Brands on the New Media Online List運動用品——Sports equipment
發帶、護腕、襪子等運動周邊產品——Sports accessories such as headbands, wrist guards, socks, etc
普拉提核心床、跑步機等運動器械——Pilates core bed, treadmill and other exercise equipment
瑜伽墊、彈力帶、壓力球等——Yoga mats, elastic bands, pressure balls, etc生活方式——life style
防曬霜、美瞳、墨鏡等運動衍生用品——Sunscreen, contact lenses, sunglasses and other sports related products
野餐墊、戶外帳篷等戶外衍生用品——Outdoor derived products such as picnic mats and outdoor tents
小紅書、抖音、亞馬遜等平臺——Xiaohongshu, Tiktok, Amazon and other platforms
潮流趨勢——Trendy Trends
熱門IP——Popular IP
穿搭、帶貨、推廣等大V賬號——Big V accounts for fashion, sales, promotion, etca